Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tera, Josh, & Sage @ Henry Hudson Park

Holiday Portrait Session: November 13th, 2011
I wanted to share with you some of my favorite photos from a session I did today. It was a windy day, but when the wind wasn't kicking it was somewhat nice and warm. I like to think I learn something from every shoot. Today's lesson was - be prepared for the wind! Being right on the Hudson made for some beautiful shots - but also some hectic wind. That didn't keep us from having a great shoot - and Sage couldn't have been better! Thanks Josh and Tera - I hope you have a terrific holiday season!

***Don't forget - Holiday Portrait Special (including 20 free 4x8 cards) ends 12/1/2011) ***

I really love the lighting in this one. The sun was behind the clouds - keeping the harsh shadows at bay. The black & white feel made for some nice contrast and made the water pop a bit.

Sage was mesmerized by the leaves.

What an expression - gotta love it.

She was super patient and couldn't have been better about going with the flow.

Mom getting a smile out of Sage!

The happy family. Thanks Josh and Tera!